HomeMeet The Officers

Officers of 2023-2024:

President and Senior Group Teacher: Emily Li

Vice President (Organization): Christina Chen

Vice President (Communication): Sabrina Parsons

Jr. President  and Junior Group Teacher: Sarah Zhu

Costume Coordinator: Trina Tai

Fundraising/Activity Coordinator: Tayyaba Chaudhry and Joy Li

Webmaster (That's Me!): Kesler Wang

Photographer: Sophie Ma

Graphic Designer: Amelia Hu

Instagram: Rebecca & Alicia


Teachers of Senior Group:

       Emily Li

Teachers of Junior Group:

Sarah Zhu


  2023 officer1      2023 officer2

 We have:

(Top Left): Adria Su

(Left): Amelia Hu

(Middle): Sarah Zhu

(Top Right): Sophie Tan

(Right): Trina Tai

                                                       In this pic, we have (L–> R):

                                                       Emily Li (our president!)

                                                       Hannah Cui (one of our Alumni, former VP)

                                                       Christina Chen (one of our current VP)

                                                       Sophie Zhu (Former VP and Alumni)

                                                       Kesler Wang (Hey, that's me!)


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